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AV-2000 Interior Mate


AV-2000 Interior Mate

Pintura de caucho con lavabilidad perfecta. Acabado mate, perfecto para todos los ambientes interiores

Brillo de Seda


Brillo de Seda

Pintura con acabado satinado de lavabilidad perfecta. Perfecto para todos los ambientes interiores


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Políticas de Privacidad

Éstas políticas de Privacidad fueron modificadas y son efectivas desde Septiembre 28, 2018.

1. Cambios a las Políticas de Privacidad

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify, add or delete provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time by updating or revising this posting and such revisions shall take effect as of the date of posting. Your use of any of our Websites after the effective date of any such modification, means you accept and agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy, as modified. You should come back to this web page and review this Privacy Policy regularly so that you remain aware of the terms and conditions that apply to you.

2. Información personal que recopilamos

When you access or visit any Benjamin Moore Websites, we and our operational service providers (See Disclosure to Third Parties section below) and others who host our Websites often use technology that can recognize, collect and/or transmit information that is associated with you, but which do not personally identify you. Although the term "cookie" specifically refers to a small file that is stored on a user's computer or other device for record-keeping purposes, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, we will use the term "cookie" to refer generically to any technology that can recognize, collect and/or transmit information about your visits to our Websites.

This type of information includes such data as the Internet or web domain that referred you, the type of operating system and browser you are using, the date and time of your visit, data relating to activities on our Websites (e.g., so-called 'clickstream' data) and other technological attributes about your visit to the Websites. This information is used to analyze trends, administer the Websites, track user movements on the Websites and elsewhere on the Internet, and gather aggregate demographic information about visitors so we can continually improve our Websites and for advertising purposes.

Cookies also allow our Websites to recognize a users' computer or access device each time it is used to visit a particular Website and cookies can keep count of how often you return. Cookies can also track how you use our Websites, your preferences for features and functions and, for our Websites that have registration or similar features, cookies can store information such as your user name and password so you don't have to re-enter them each time you return to visit.

You can disable or turn certain cookie features off by changing the settings on your Internet browser and you can also change the settings to stop your browser from automatically accepting certain cookies. Although changing these settings may not affect your ability to browse, it may affect your ability to use certain features and functions of the Websites and it may also require you to re-enter certain information each time you visit or attempt to use the Websites. You should consult the operating instructions that apply to your browser to determine how to best configure your browser settings for your needs.

© Copyrigth 2015 Tiendas Montana. RIF J-00061048-7. Todos los derechos reservados.